Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Rural Proofing Australia - We All Count! NRWC

Rural Proofing Australia – We all count!
In the lead up to the Federal Election, the NRWC is advocating for RURAL PROOFING.

For more information on rural proofing, please visit:

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Family & Domestic Violence - research

Information request

Violence against women: Developing a national approach to research effort

National Centre of Excellence in Research to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children (NCE) was recently established to co-ordinate research efforts across the country on violence against women and their children and to support evidence-informed initiatives, policy and practice. 

A key priority is the development of a national research agenda. 

To this end, the NCE has commissioned the Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault (ACSSA) at the Australian Institute of Family Studies, and the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse (ADFVC) at the Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies to review the state of Australian research activity in relation to violence against women. 

ACSSA and ADFVC are working together to find out about what research is being undertaken and to provide a critical analysis about strengths, gaps and opportunities. 

We need your assistance

It's crucial that we capture as much of the research activity as possible - particularly research happening outside major university funding sources. 

If you or your organisation has undertaken, or is undertaking, research relating to violence against women (since 2007), please complete the State of Research in Violence Against Women Survey. 

The information you provide will help us to know what research is happening and where future research activity is required. 

N.B Apologies for any cross posting. This survey is designed to capture any current, formal research you may be doing that is not funded by ARC (Australian Research Council) or NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council). This may include significant external evaluations of your DV programs or investigation into client experiences. Click the link in the message to complete the survey online. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013

NewAccess - beyondblue program

"NewAccess is a ground-breaking new beyondblue program that will allow thousands of people in Australian with depression and anxiety to access free psychological services before their condition worsens.
NewAccess is a new way to access psychological services for people experiencing mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Demonstration programs, funded by beyondblue and the Movember Foundation, will run in selected Medicare Local sites over a period of two years starting in 2013.
NewAccess aims to deliver a model of care that can reach people who currently have difficulty accessing existing services. This includes groups which are usually hard to reach such as men. The program will offer easily accessible, free, quality psychological support by trained coaches. The new service will complement existing mental health services, operating within a stepped care model.
NewAccess is the result of four years of research and collaborative discussion in Australia, and is based on the successful UKImproving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Program. The UK program has proven to be effective in achieving recovery rates in less time and at less cost than other services, and demonstrated that the provision of evidence-based psychological services can lead to a 50 per cent recovery rate for anxiety and depression. 
NewAccess follows the UK model closely, but has been adapted for the Australian context. beyondblue has received overwhelming support for rolling out an Australian version of the UK model through consultations with mental health professionals, peak bodies, and people who experience depression and anxiety, their friends and family."