Saturday, 29 June 2013

Nelson Mandela - an article

andrew harding (@BBCAndrewH) tweeted at 5:53 PM on Fri, Jun 28, 2013:

#mandela's long goodbye. 

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politics: kinder and gentler ...

cathy wilcox (@cathywilcox1) tweeted at 9:15 AM on Fri, Jun 28, 2013:
Today's SMH cartoons: (1) kinder and gentler with Kevin...

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Friday, 14 June 2013

Early Episode Psychosis and Trauma Seminar - Bunbury

Along with 40 + people, I attended a half-day seminar today, Friday 14th June
@ Koombana Bay Sailing Club.

Sincere thanks to Neal Ruane - Mental Health Nurse Educator ,
South West Mental Health,  for arranging the seminar.

 Teresa Stevenson - Specialist Clinical Psychologist,
Discipline Coordinator of Clinical Psychology.
Peel Rockingham Kwinana Mental Health Service

Most sincere thanks to Teresa whose excellent & refreshing purveying of knowledge, models, skills & strategies will enormously assist & enhance my practice when I work with people for whom trauma and mental distress is present.

The following  are direct quotes and language from Teresa's presentation that strongly resonated with me ...

... "insult / injury to the soul."   i.e. sexual abuse
..."devastating consequences when they meet" i.e. trauma & psychosis
... "be a listener and witness to stories."
... "the self is a perpetually re written story."
... "trauma of the soul."
... "knowledge should be shared not colonised." 

I look forward to receiving the Notes from today.

Teresa reflected working in collaborative, inclusive and recovery-focussed ways.
She also demonstrated a healthy sense of humour.

For me, this seminar was a breath of fresh air which I continued to reflect upon as I drove 
up the hill through the beautiful country to Collie.


Wednesday, 12 June 2013

more info DSM5

Allen Frances (@AllenFrancesMD) tweeted at 6:13 AM on Wed, Jun 12, 2013:
18 blatant #DSM5 writing & coding mistakes prevent accurate diagnosis & need immediate correction

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Saturday, 8 June 2013

The DSM5 - a response from Dr Allen Frances

Allen Frances (@AllenFrancesMD) tweeted at 4:12 AM on Sat, Jun 08, 2013

Update for Social Workers on how and why not to use #DSM5

"Should SOCIAL WORKERS use DSM5?" @swhelpercom

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"Saving Normal" Dr Allen Frances

"Human difference was never meant to be reducible to an exhaustive list of diagnoses drawn carelessly from a psychiatric manual. It takes all types to make a successful tribe and a full palette of emotions to make a fully lived life. We shouldn't medicalize difference and attempt to treat it away by taking the modern-day equivalent of Huxley's soma pills. The cruelest paradox of psychiatric treatment is that those who need it most often don't get it, while those who do get it often don't need it. So how do we save normal, preserve diversity, and achieve a more rational allocation of scarce resources?" - from Saving Normal.

From Saving Normal back cover

What are your thoughts? Lanie

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

back online

Great to be back online.
I've been experiencing internet access problems with my computer for several weeks.
It's now resolved and I am back.
I've missed blogging for many reasons which include sharing a range of information and resources + creating my own writing / reflections.
So, expect the usual amount of stuff as I crank up again.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Narrative Training with Julie Dickinson

On Wednesday 22nd May, a group of Social Workers from diverse practice settings, gathered at Lotteries West to enjoy a day of training with Julie Dickinson.

I was not disappointed; it was all I expected + more. 

I came away immersed, nurtured and inspired in Narrative, adding more dimensions to my beginning narrative practice where I'm just starting to develop a beginners confidence.

This is due to several factors: Social Work supervision with Julie + a week Intensive Narrative Course at Dulwich Centre in Adelaide a couple of years ago + continuing interest in and reading of Narrative resources + the witnessing of the impact of Narrative when practiced with people who consult Narrative Practitioners.

Julie is a remarkable practitioner and educator.

If you have the opportunity to attend any training in the future, I recommend that you don't hesitate...